Saturday, July 11, 2009

Slider *snif*... You Stink!

Its one of those things that annoys everyone, you know, that person who thinks he deserves something. This occurs in every industry, and in both genders. Whether its someone who thinks he deserves a discount on a new television, or some broad who thinks that because she's pretty she gets a free drink, it happens all the time.

It happens at the bar a lot, some one thinks that because he tipped 5 bucks (it is appreciated, don't get me wrong) he deserves a free drink. In that scenario, he is basically asking me to buy him a drink with the tip he just gave me, that really makes no sense at all. If you think you're that special, you probably aren't. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people that I would buy a drink for, and plenty of people who on occasion, might deserve a free drink, but I'll tell you what, those people are few and far between and probably never fucking ASK for a free drink, that just makes us angry. Having big tits does not entitle you to a free drink. They may help out in getting other guys at a bar to buy you drinks, but in no way constitutes for a free drink from the bartender. (I realize you need to save your money for your eventual breast-reduction surgery... go find a sugar daddy).

Many people fail to realize that giving out a free drink in Ontario (and many other provinces) is actually illegal. A bar or restaurant, and not to mention the bartenders and managers, can actually be fined or even shut down for giving away free booze. Asking the bartender for a free drink is asking him or her to essentially risk losing their jobs, getting fined, and shutting down their place of employment. You wouldn't risk any of that at your job, why would I? Asking a bartender for a free drink is like wearing a sign that reads "I'm a cheap douche-bag".

If you DO get a free drink because you are a good tipper, you should still tip on the free drink. Anyone who gets a free drink should also be grateful for the drink, it won't happen all the time, so don't expect it. So anytime you think about asking for a free drink, please don't. If anytime you receive a free drink... You're welcome. For everyone, please don't be that guy, or that girl, who asks bartenders for free drinks... you are probably not liked... Cheers

That's it for my blog, sorry if it sounds bitchy or arrogant, not my intentions. Tonight was one of those nights, full of the kind of people that really get on the nerves of a lot of bartenders.

Rule #30. Never complain about the quality or brand of a free drink.
Rule #
56. Screaming, “Someone buy me a drink!” has never worked.

Keep on truckin'!



  1. Your Links entertian me. Keep it up.

  2. I remember this night haha! You said exactly what I feel on shitty nights when people are trying to pull free drink crap on me. Annoying much? I would really like to see these people go into another business (perhaps a bank) and ask for free products (Can you hook me up with some free money?). A free drink for you is money out of my pocket... are you really THAT good? haha - Teens
